Hypothesis Testing based on Rank Order

Dr Nikola Grubor


Parametric and non-parametric tests

  • Tests comparing arithmetic means assume a normal distribution
  • The normal distribution is defined by parameters: mean and standard deviation
  • Tests that do not rely on distributions are called non-parametric

A recipe for testing the null hypothesis

  1. Form a hypothesis before seeing the data
  2. Determine the null and alternative hypothesis
  3. Collect relevant data
  4. Create a model that represents the data and calculate the test statistic
  5. Calculate the probability that our data gives the obtained test statistic if the null is true
  6. Assess “statistical significance”

Why use ranks?

  • Fewer assumptions are better
  • Normality rarely holds
  • When assumptions are violated, obtained p-values are wrong


We lose statistical power if the data actually meet the conditions for a parametric (eg., Student’s) test

Mann-Whitney U / Wilcoxon rank-sum test

Assumptions of the rank sum test


  • Numerical non-normal data, ordinal data


  • The sample consists of independent observations
  • Data can be ranked


It has less statistical power than parametric tests, if the conditions for parametric tests are met.

Checking for normality

  • Coefficient of Variation
  • Skew and Kurtosis
  • QQ Plot
  • Histogram
  • Statistical tests for normality

Exercise: MWW test

Examine whether people with different

altitudes of residence

differ according to the concentration of fibrinogen.

Wilcoxon signed rank test


  • Numerical non-normal data, ordinal data


  • The sample consists of dependent observations
  • Data can be ranked

Exercise: Wilcoxon signed rank test

The database Depresion.xlsx

contains pre- and post treatment

depressive symptom measurements.

Did the treatment affect them?

Statistical test selection

  • One or two samples
  • Repeated measurements or not
  • Data type (numeric, ordinal, categorical)
  • Use data summaries to determine whether the data meet the normality assumption